Saturday 29 May 2010

Natural History Museum in London

On Thursday I went to London to see a concert by J-pop group Hangry and Angry. Since the concert was in the evening my sister and I decided to spend the afternoon in the Natural History Museum after randomly reading about it in a copy of Metro, the free newspaper distributed on public transport.

It was much larger then we where expecting and we only got to see a small selection of what the museum had to often. However, we really enjoyed what we did see, especially the dinosaur and marine mammal sections. Even the slightly dated ecology exhibit was fun in an early nineties newsround way. One of my favourite things about the London are the free museums and I hope the government continues to keep them free for a long time to come.

Friday 14 May 2010

Pumpkins Planted!

Weather was quite nice today so I planted my pumpkins. Hope they'll be alright!!!

By the way their names are:


and Red

I named them after the colour of the pots they were planted in.

Thursday 13 May 2010

Pumpkin Update

My pumpkins have grown a lot. I've been meaning to plant them outside but its been a bit too chilly for the past week. The weather seems to have picked up a bit now so I'll give it a go tomorrow.

Grey Whale in Mediterranean

For the first time in centuries a grey whale has been sighted in the Atlantic ocean! The species was once numerous in the Northern Atlantic, as evidenced by fossil records, but is belived to have died out in the 17th or 18th centuries, possibly due to intense whaling. Nowadays, the only viable population of grey whales is that of the north-eastern pacific. The whale may have come into the Atlantic via the North West Passage, which due to global warming is now ice free for part of the year.

I found this news particularly amazing as I've been complaining about the video game Endless Ocean 2's portrayal of grey whales off the shore of Egypt ever since I got the game. While I considered to be a major oversight by the creators, perhaps they knew something no one else did? I also recall reading an article about a strange proposal to reintroduce grey whales to the Atlantic by airlifting specimens from the California population. At the time the idea was widely dismissed but perhaps it has started to happen by itself. We might see more grey whales in the Atlantic soon and although I doubt they'll repopulate English channel, one can always wonder.

More info

Monday 3 May 2010

May Day!

Happy May Day!

To celebrate the bank holiday I went for a short walk in the local area. Despite the large industrial estate behind my house there are quite a few nice green areas and bits of woodland. Some of the trees are still in bloom and the weather seems to have turned for the better, resulting in a very tranquil atmosphere perfect for a relaxing stroll.