Saturday 19 September 2009

Whale Watching and Spain

I haven't talked about this on here before, but I'm a huge fan of whales and whale watching. I've been in love with these amazing creatures ever since I was very young. My absolute favourite are blue whales. I also like dolphins and other large marine creatures. I've been whale watching a number of times and it really is a fantastic experience. Last week I went on a 3 day "Mini Cruise" (more like long ferry trip) from Portsmouth to Bilbao across the Bay of Biscay which is one of the best places to see whales in the world. It's normally famous for large numbers of gray whales but mysteriously this year sighting have been way below average. We still saw plenty of wildlife though including huge numbers of common dolphins on the 2nd day and more dolphins and rare beaked whales on the 3rd. My attempts to photograph the dolphins were largely unsuccessful although the photo below just about shows a couple of dolphins just poking up through the waves.

We also had a 4 hour excursion in Spain to the scenic fishing town of Castro-Urdiales.

And for your information here is a list of all the cetacean species that I've had the pleasure to see.

Hannah's Cetacean Checklist


Humpback Whale

Bottlenose Dolphin

Striped Dolphin

Short-beaked Common Dolphin

Pacific White-sided Dolphin

Northern Right Whale Dolphin

Risso's Dolphin

Harbour Porpoise

Dall's Porpoise

Cuvier's Beaked Whale (although there’s a chance it was a Northern Bottlenose Whale)


Minke Whale – Sighting was a long time ago so I’m not sure

Fin Whale – Only saw the blow and I’m not sure that counts

Captivity – Not condoning or condemning the keeping of cetaceans in captivity just listing what I happen to have seen

Commerson's Dolphin

False Killer Whale



Amazon River Dolphin

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