Sunday 7 October 2007


Today I went to Yokohama. (To see the morning musume bunkasai but that’s a matter for another blog.

It was good to see the sea again . And these little crabs kept being washed up on the pavement. One boy was collecting them in a plastic bag.

It may have just been me but Yokohama's port area seemed to give off slightly seedy vibe during the daytime.

But at night it vastly improved.

In the end I only visited the Minato Minai area and didn’t get to go to Yokohama’s famous China town but all in all I liked Yokohama a lot. Nice to get away from Tokyo for a little bit too.

1 comment:

jernobyl said...

Hey there, um...okay, this is a bit random. But. I am a student at Abertay University, I'm doing Computer Games Technology doesn't really sit well with me; I'm a linguist, not a computer scientist - languages are where my heart lies.

ANYWAY. I used to study Japanese, for two years, at Sheffield University. I left because...well, there were various reasons, Hell of a situation, won't go into it here, but boy am I kicking myself now, because I see now (through the wonder of hindsight) it's what I was obviously meant to do.

I had a look on the net to see if I could find anyone who was currently, or has been, on the Japanese course at Edinburgh, to get some views from students...found your blog, so I hope you don't mind my commenting you.

Well, I see you happen to be on the Japanese course at Edinburgh, and that's what I've been looking at applying to do should I leave my current course, probably Japanese with Linguistics. I was just wondering if you might be able to let me know what your impressions of the course are, how you're finding it, what the staff are like, the quality of teaching...all that kind of thing. Generally, how you feel about it, and how happy you are about it...anything would be great, to be honest! I realise you're not exactly gonna sit there and say it's crap, but some sort of unbiased view would be awesome.

This was all a bit rambly but I'm very tired and confused! Hope I haven't freaked you out or anything.

