Saturday 22 September 2007


Today I went to Shinjuku.

I spent about the first 15 minutes wandering about the station, one of the biggest in the world trying to find an exit that lead somewhere interesting. I was quite overwhelmed with the scale of the place and aside from looking in one of the department stores, I spent most of my time gawking.

After enduring the heat and crowds for a while I decided to go to the nearby Shinjuku Gyoen park which is a very peaceful and relaxing place. I really liked the way the traditional Japanese garden areas contrasting with the skyscrapers behind them.

There were also some interesting wildlife in the park including this turtle,

These odd looking spiders which made giant webs, are these common in Japan? I hope not......

And there were parrot like birds living in the trees which I believe are descended from escaped pets.

After the park closed, I went back into Shinjuku to look at the lights. For me this was a must see aspect of Tokyo. Although the streets filled with Pachinko parlours and porn shops seemed much more seedy at night.

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